No double charges for inspection of used vehicles, UNBS clarifies

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The Uganda National Bureau of Standards (UNBS) has responded to complaints from exporters, importers, and dealers of used motor vehicles regarding potential double charges for Pre-Export Verification of Conformity (PVoC) inspection services.

UNBS states that all PVoC inspection service providers currently hold no valid contracts and are not authorized to carry out inspections.

To address the concerns raised, UNBS spokesperson Sylvia Kirabo told the Nile Post that there will be no double charges.

“There will be no double charges, all pvoc inspection service providers have no valid contracts now and thus not allowed to inspect,” she said.

She explained that the move towards destination inspection of used motor vehicles is a temporary measure while UNBS finalises the procurement process for PVoC service providers, as mandated by the PPDA Act.

This interim period allows for inspections at entry points and designated customs areas in the country between September 23 and November 1.

Kirabo further assured the business community that UNBS is open to discussions during this period to ensure efficiency.

She emphasised that this directive does not mean UNBS has abandoned its previous policy of relying on foreign companies for technical assistance in the inspection process.

 The PVoC program remains in effect, ensuring compliance of products covered by compulsory Uganda standards by verifying their conformity with applicable standards.

She said that the directive issued by the bureau is intended to bridge the gap caused by the expiration of contracts with PVoC service providers for used motor vehicles.

The inspection services for these vehicles are usually conducted in South Africa, Singapore, the United Kingdom, the United Arab Emirates, and Japan.

During the temporary period, all imported used cars between September 23 and November 1 must undergo inspection at border destination inspection points.

Importers will be required to pay a fee of Shs 500,000 per motor vehicle through the Uganda Revenue Authority payment portal.

Products that fail to meet the applicable Ugandan standards will be prohibited from entering the country, and such non-compliant products may be confiscated and either destroyed or re-exported at the expense of the importer.

The standards body, as mandated by the UNBS Act Cap 327, is responsible for inspecting and regulating imports in order to ensure adherence to safety and quality standards.

The PVOC program is an essential part of this process, ensuring that goods comply with applicable standards before they are cleared for release.

Complying goods are issued a Certificate of Conformity (COC), serving as a basis for the consignment's release upon arrival in Uganda.

The PVOC assessment aims to facilitate the timely clearance of goods, reduce the presence of substandard products in the market, protect local industries from unfair competition, and ensure the health and safety of consumers and the environment.

Importers must present a COC and a Certificate of Road Worthiness (CRW) for used cars at the point of entry to be cleared for importation.

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