Should all Ugandans receive service awards?

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Should all Ugandans receive service awards?
Mathias Mpuuga | Courtesy

NATIONAL | A controversial debate has erupted in Uganda, with some arguing that all citizens should receive service awards for their contributions to the country's development.

Proponents of this idea believe that every Ugandan plays a vital role in building the nation and deserves recognition.

According to Betty Aol Ochan, a vocal advocate for the idea, "Every Ugandan, regardless of their profession or status, deserves a service award. We all contribute to the country's growth and development in one way or another."

However, critics argue that service awards should be reserved for those who have gone above and beyond their call of duty.

They believe that giving awards to all Ugandans would dilute the significance and value of the recognition.

D. Mwambutsya Ndebesa, a political analyst, said while every Ugandan plays a role in building the country, service awards should be reserved for exceptional service, dedication, and impact.

"We need to maintain the integrity and value of these awards," he said.

As the debate rages on, some have suggested alternative ways to recognise citizens' contributions, such as national appreciation days or community service recognition programs.

The proposal has sparked a national conversation about the value and purpose of service awards.

While some see it as a way to boost morale and encourage civic engagement, others believe it would be a waste of resources and undermine the significance of the awards.

What do you think? Should all Ugandans receive service awards, or should they be reserved for exceptional service?

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