Good Luck Oils wall collapse victims named

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Good Luck Oils wall collapse victims named
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Additional reporting by Arafat Nzito 

In a devastating incident that unfolded in the early hours of December 4th, five lives were tragically lost, and two individuals sustained serious injuries when the perimeter wall of Good Luck Oils, a fuel station in Kanyanya cell, Ndejje Parish, Makindye Ssabagabo Municipality, collapsed onto their residence while they were asleep.

The petrol station wall collapsed on a residence (Photo by Francis Isaano)

The Kampala Metropolitan Police Deputy Spokesperson, Luke Owoyesigire, confirmed the grim news, stating that the injured have been rushed to Mulago Hospital, and police investigations are underway.

Eyewitnesses in the community blame the heavy early morning downpour as the probable cause for the tragedy.

Residents of Kanyanya Cell woke up to the shocking news at around 3 am.

Witnesses believe that the early morning torrential rain weakened the perimeter wall, leading to its collapse on the nearby houses.

One resident shared their account of the tragic event, stating,"The sound of the collapsing wall was terrifying. We rushed out to see houses buried under the debris. It's heartbreaking."

Shocked residents at the scene (Photo by Francis Isaano)

Local authorities employed rudimentary methods to remove the deceased and rescue those trapped under the debris. Goodluck Kabuzi, Deputy Mayor of Makindye Ssabagabo, expressed the challenges faced during the rescue efforts,

"It's a difficult situation. We're doing our best to assist and comfort the affected families."

Busuulwa Abudalla, Chairman of Kanyanya Cell, emphasised the community's collective grief, "This is a close-knit neighborhood, and losing five of our own is devastating. Our thoughts are with the families affected by this tragedy."

Police quickly cordoned off the scene (Photo by Francis Isaano)

Luke Owoyesigire, the KMP Spokesperson, highlighted the ongoing police investigations and the urgency of providing medical care to the injured, saying,"Our focus is on determining the cause of this tragic incident. The injured are receiving treatment at Mulago Hospital, and we are committed to a thorough investigation."

“The victims have been identified as Phiona Nabulumba, Geofrey Nabunywa, Moja Fuuku, three-year-old Liana, and Doreen. Our deepest condolences go out to their families and loved ones,” he said

“Two individuals, Mukisa Gladys and Sadat, sustained severe injuries and are currently receiving medical attention at different hospitals. The rescue team, assisted by an excavator, is working to confirm if there are additional individuals trapped under the rubble.” he added.


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