Police deploy on highways , tourist sites after Queen Elizabeth park attack

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Police together with joint security teams have intensified operations to hunt for suspected terrorists who killed two foreign tourists and their Ugandan driver in Queen Elizabeth National Park.

According to the Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga, they have deployed on highways and tourist sites to guarantee security as well as hunt for the attackers.

“We are continuing with the aggressive pursuit of the suspected terrorists who were about five and drifted towards areas of Bweera Kikolongo. We want to inform you on the side of police an integrated highway patrol unit has been deployed in the area, we have also adjusted deployments at all tourist sites,” Enanga asserted.

Police informed the media that the bodies of the couple are still at Mulago mortuary as they wait for the arrival of Forensic experts from the UK and South Africa before a report on the murder can be released.

"We are still waiting for the arrival of forensic teams from the UK and South Africa who will be working with our team of pathological experts as well as the CID and intelligence teams. After that we shall release an official report that will be handed over to the British High Commission and South African High Commission,” added Enanga

According to the latest Tourism Sector Performance Report for 2022, Uganda earns $1.8 billion approximately shs6 trillion contributing 8% to the country's GDP.

In a related development, Enanga confirmed that police arrested 22 suspected ADF rebels in Kyankwanzi district the group  were allegedly trying to establish a domestic cell.

Last week President Museveni said UPDF attacked yet another ADF camp, 60km into DRC from the Ugandan Ntoroko border.

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