Residents petition Minister Babalanda over "corrupt" Arua City RCC

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By Nalwadda Nsangi 

A group of angry residents led by their area councilors from Arua central division have stormed the office of the Regional Internal Security Officer to deliver a petition against the Resident city Commissioner Alice Akello accusing her of corruption and abuse of office

The angry locals who stormed the office of the RISO  chanting, accused  Akello of failure to execute her duties  including monitoring government projects citing the failure to write a comprehensive report about the mess in the allocation of stalls in the Arua Main  market and exorbitant charges in the taxi park among others

Osuga Rasul, the speaker for Arua Central division intimated that Akello has failed to draw the attention of the IGG to investigate cases of mismanagement and abuse of office in the city.

“People including city officials have become landlords in government facilities like the Arua Main Market and the new taxi part. All this is happening under her watch and for that matter, she has failed her mandate,” Osuga said.

In a petition dated August 3, 2023, addressed to the minister of the Presidency, Milly Babalanda, they accuse the RCC of failing to act upon the corrupt officials in Arua City.

“A case in point is the town agent of Bazaar Ward who was caught red-handed with fake receipts collecting rent from Gaagaa textile market. Up to now, she has been left to continue with her duties,” Osuga added.

Lomori Victor Vidal, a councillor alleges that RCC has continuously threatened leaders, failed to work with her deputies and other security agencies and she has severally interrupted technical works, something they say affects service delivery.

‘At the end of the day, people will say that the government is not working for them but she is frustrating the efforts. I want to talk about the unfair resource allocation, our roads in Arua central are in a dire state, we were given amount of money to that matter, we raised it to her but she didn’t pay attention yet she is supposed to work with us,” Lomori said.

However, Akello dismissed the allegations against her as lies propagated by unscrupulous politicians to taint her name.

“These are lies propagated by politicians who want me to dance to their tunes. I have done whatever is in my mandate. I have monitored, investigated, written reports and given recommendations regarding any corruption saga in Arua city. Those politicians accuse people of wrong doing then they push me to act when actually there is no evidence. So those petitioning should also petition God or should hang,” Akello said.

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