Gov't launches agriculture mobilisation campaign after Museveni policy proposals

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Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja has officially started the government's agriculture mobilisation campaign in Mityana and Mubende Districts, in response to President Museveni's six policy proposals.

She began the campaign with a visit to Mityana and Mubende Districts, where she met with district political leaders and technical officers.

The six policy proposals include the production, multiplication, distribution, and certification of seeds and stocking materials.

Additionally, there are proposals for disease control, agricultural mechanization and irrigation, and farmer education and mobilisation.

Nabbanja emphasised the importance of this nationwide campaign in mobilising farmers to increase agricultural production, productivity, and profitability.

The campaign, set to start in two weeks' time, will feature regional expos and sessions for sharing agricultural knowledge.

"The president's proposals encompass various aspects such as seed production, disease control, mechanization, farmer education, partnerships with land owners, and interventions in the fisheries sector," Nabbanja explained.

She mentioned that the campaign will bring together small scale and large scale farmers, agricultural researchers, farmer associations, agro-input dealers, and other stakeholders.

There will be knowledge sharing sessions and demonstrations of value addition and agro-processing technologies by the technical teams from the Prime Minister's delivery unit, Ministry of Agriculture,  and other government and private agricultural institutions.

Nabbanja said she was hopeful that the campaign will significantly enhance agricultural production, productivity, and profitability for socioeconomic transformation.

During the meeting, several notable figures were present, including the Resident District Commissioner (RDC), the representative of the LC5 chairperson, the district NRM chairperson, the NRM District Executive Committee members, and the LC III chairpersons and councilors.

At Mubende National Teachers College, Nabbanja met with political leaders and technical officers, unveiling the upcoming nationwide campaign to mobilise farmers for increasing agricultural production, productivity, and profitability.

The policy, which is based on Uganda's Vision 2040, emphasizes the need for intra- and inter-sectoral coordination to achieve the objectives.

The government aims to accomplish six interrelated objectives through specific strategies and collaboration with all stakeholders in agriculture, including central and local government ministries, private sector, civil society, farmers, and development partners, as stated in the policy strategy document.

The six objectives of the policy are as follows: ensuring food security, increasing incomes of farming households, promoting specialization in strategic, profitable, and viable enterprises with value addition through agro-zoning, ensuring sustainable use and management of agricultural resources, promoting domestic, regional, and international trade in agricultural products, and developing human resources for agricultural development.

To ensure food security, the policy calls for the establishment of a national strategic food reserve system, as well as the development and improvement of food-handling, marketing, and distribution systems that provide links to domestic, regional, and international markets.

The policy also encourages the government to support and encourage local governments to enact and enforce by-laws and ordinances that promote household food security through appropriate production and storage practices.

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