Kagadi seeks relief in Shs500m access road construction

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Kagadi seeks relief in Shs500m access road construction
Works on the access road in Kagadi | Alan Mwesigwa

The Kagadi Resident District commissioner, Ms Lillian Ruteraho, has launched the construction works on a Shs500 million access ro.

Works on the 4.6km road has been contracted to North Road Consult Limited.

The access road covers Kyesamiire-Kyakajwiga-Kyakazana-Kararike-Nyabigagata to Busoiga in Muhorro sub-county andtown council.

The RDC asked contractors to desist from promiscuous acts on school children.

"We have always had reports of some contractors trying to make affairs with our school going children," she said.

"I want to warn you focus at what you have been contracted for, these young girls have a future don't be part of the group that fails their future."

Barnabas Tinkasiimire, the Buyaga West MP, who lobbied for the construction, said creation of roads helps in area developments and he has appealed to them to embrace this project.

"We kindly ask the community to embrace the contractors and give them positive response in their works, there are places where contractors go and communities try failing them by asking them not to cross certain meters but these roads are coming for us," Tinkasimire said.

He also promised to pass an electricity grid line alongside the new road that has been opened and this will help in the rural electrification system.

Eng Naman Muhanguzi, from the Ministry of Works and Transport, thanked MP Tinkasiimire for the effort towards improvement of the road network and asked residents to use the road profitably.

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