Karamoja iron sheet thieves must pay, says Museveni

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President Museveni has said all those involved in the Karamoja iron sheet saga must refund what they stole.

“Those who diverted the mabaati but not for personal use, must pay back the equivalent value in money or return the mabaati for the Karachuna, so that, that programme goes on,” Museveni said on Tuesday afternoon.

The president was responding to commentators on social media who accused him of “massaging” those involved in the scandal.

Museveni said it is wrong for politicians to try to do “cheap popularity” by donating to their constituents which he said is not sustainable.

“ They end up with debts and desperate efforts to look for donations, efforts that can lead into mistakes of being tempted to divert what is meant for A to B.  That is a political mistake that can also be subversive as you will see from my letter to the Prime Minister,” Museveni said.

“On many occasions, I have told leaders not to try and carry their Constituents on their heads financially (kubetikka) but show the families how to use the NRM programmes (NAADS, OWC, PDM, etc.) and make their own money. Kukulembera, si kwetikka abantu.”

The president however went had on officials including ministers who shared and used the Karamoja iron sheets for their own benefit.

“That mistake, however, is totally different from converting those items to personal use.  That is no longer just a mistake, but theft.”

Last week, the Minister for Karamoja, Mary Goretti Kitutu was remanded to Luzira prison together with her brother, Micheal Naboya Kitutu over the scandal in which over 14500 iron sheets meant for the poor in Karamoja were swindled.

Several other high-ranking government officials including the Vice President, Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija, other ministers and other officials are being investigated over their involvement in the saga.

According to those in the know, several other ministers will sooner than later be charged over the same scandal.

Going by the president’s statement, those who donated the iron sheets to schools or churches will be tasked to refund either the iron sheets or pay money equivalent to what they stole.

However, on the other side, those who used the iron sheets for their personal use will face criminal charges related to causing loss to government among others.

For example, the State Minister for Finance, Amos Lugolobi used the iron sheets to roof his own kraal back home in Kayunga.




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