I am done with Museveni, will never vote him for anything- Ashburg Kato

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Former Bobi Wine die-hard, blogger Ashburg Kato has dumped the National Resistance Movement and their chairman President Yoweri Museveni, saying he will never vote for the party of their chairman for anything.

Kato in a thread rant on X (Twitter) says that he joined the NRM in 2020 and fell in love with President Museveni, but his story has since turned into a sad ending, prompting him to cut loose from Museveni and the party.

He says that like anyone else from the Ghetto, he had dreams and ambitions to better the lives of the people from whom he came, which included lighting, free water and job opportunities. He handed the proposal to President Museveni.

“When I met President Museveni in 2020, I traded everything for the ghetto initiative. The old man with a hat liked my idea and promised to implement it as soon as possible. I fell into a political trap,” Kato laments.

He says that it has been three years since but nothing has been done and he believes nothing will ever be done.

Kato now admits he lost his friendship with National Unity Platform (NUP) leader Bobi Wine, whom he regards as his “father/ fadha” and his best friend, Ismail Tusubirwa alias Jajja Iculi

“I will never forgive myself, I lost my fame and popularity, I lost my platform numbers, I even lost the people who really loved me,” he said.

“I now feel like I am dead and gone. I take the shame on me and you can put the blame on me. I am on my knees for everyone I betrayed out there,” he added.

He concluded by saying he is returning to the struggle with Bobi Wine.

“I am coming home”.

Ashburg joins the likes of Andrew Bajjo and Mark Bugembe alias Buchaman who also accuse the NRM and President Museveni of tricking them to abandon Bobi Wine.


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