PWD leaders in Entebbe call for inclusiveness

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PWD leaders in Entebbe call for inclusiveness
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Leaders representing persons living with disabilities (PWDs) in Entebbe have called for inclusiveness to be able to benefit from the ongoing programs and equally fit in the society.

According to Modesta Tezikyabiri, the councillor for PWDs and Speaker for Entebbe Municipal Council,  different agencies including schools, hospitals, markets among others are built with no access to PWDs.

She made remarks while commissioning a new constructed building at Entebbe Children Welfare School meant to house both staff and students.

A project that was supported by the Chinese company China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC) in June 2023 at the cost of Shs1.7 billion.

Tezikyabiri said schools should be a platform for society inclusiveness through allowing the enrolment of both disabled and non-disabled learners.

“We urge all people constructing public buildings to always consider disabled persons, especially those confined in wheelchairs," she said.

"A person like me cannot access the upper block because there was no plan while constructing it."

Tezikyabiri also urged parents to recognise the importance of educating vulnerable and disadvantaged children with different disabilities.

The Entebbe-based school that caters for over 100 learners with disabilities and special needs is one of the government-aided schools based in Entebbe.

“There has been a need to boost the learning experience through improving the infrastructure, especially more buildings to house staff who have been reporting late duty due to moving long distance and students," she said.

The chairperson of the management committee, Richard Mwanga Musumba, applauded CNOOC for extending the humanitarian project but decried the negligence by the government on the school.

“This school is by God’s grace still existing due to the love from the well-wishers who always come in with support but it was neglected long ago by the responsible authorities,” Mwanga said.

According to management, despite the challenges, the welfare school which operates from primary one to five is expected to have first candidates sit for Primary Leaving Examinations in 2026.

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