Muslims commemorate 129 years of return of Prince Mbogo from exile

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Muslims commemorate 129 years of return of Prince Mbogo from exile
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Muslims have  commemorated 129 years since Prince Nuhu Mbogo Kyabasinga returned from exile in Zanzibar.

Muslims from various places gathered at the main mosque in Kibuli to participate in the annual Duwa to remember the 129 years since Prince Nuhu Mbogo Kyabasinga returned from Zanzibar.

Prince Mbogo is still a source of pride for many Muslims because of his significant contributions, especially in defending their rights and implementing Islamic laws.

During this Duwa, every speaker praised the good deeds and achievements of Prince Nuhu Mbogo.

Sheikh Yusuf Muhamad Balinda, Kadhi from Lango, requested that the Duwa in memory of Prince Mbogo be decentralized and held in other parts of the country as well, as many people wish to participate but cannot make it to Kampala.

"We have so many people in the North who would wish to be part of this day because of its significance in Islam but they are unable because of the distance, now Karuma is called and we have to use alternatives route to Kampala,’’ noted Sheikh Balinda.

Additionally, Supreme Mufti Sheikh Muhammad Galabuzi urged Muslims to engage in activities that add to the building of Islam at all times and to avoid those who misuse Islamic resources but rather work towards their growth.

Prince Kassim Nakibinge reminded Muslims of the history of Nuhu Mbogo, noting that when he returned from exile, he promoted Islam without participating in any further battles.

He said, this should  be a lesson for Muslims that sometimes people are dragged into wars meant to destroy them.

‘‘Sometimes people trick us into fighting battles that do not benefit us, we take lessons from Nuhu Mbogo who resisted such battles,’’ Nakibinge noted.

This day is observed every year with a major Duwa at the Kibuli hill to remind Muslims of their faith and address various issues.

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