Ssenyonyi to Among: Cease blaming Kadaga to conceal corruption allegations

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Leader of the Opposition, Joel Ssenyonyi, has urged Speaker Anitah Among to refrain from utilizing former Speaker Rebecca Kadaga and scapegoating homosexuals to deflect attention from corruption allegations levelled against her.

During a press briefing on Thursday, Ssenyonyi emphasized that Ugandans are primarily concerned with accountability regarding the utilization of taxpayers’ money rather than being embroiled in personal disputes.

"The Speaker has been deflecting blame onto anyone she can find. She has implicated homosexuals, and I have witnessed her point fingers at Rebecca Kadaga. Whether there are personal disputes between these leaders is irrelevant; what matters is that the Speaker is answerable for the taxpayers’ funds," he stated.

Recently, during her visit to Buyende, a remote district in Busoga, Among intensified her criticism, insinuating that she was facing intrigue from undisclosed individuals, widely interpreted as a reference to Kadaga.

Among attributed her current challenges to "old women from Kamuli" and accused them of impeding development in Buyende District.

In the wake of corruption allegations and accusations of abuse of office at Parliament, an institution she heads, Among has dismissed these claims as mere hearsay orchestrated by her adversaries.

Ssenyonyi expressed concern over Among's tendency to shift blame, stating, "I am uncertain who she will target next, as she seems to be on a constant hunt for someone to blame."

"I am indifferent to her conflicts; her claims that those questioning her actions are targeting her hold no weight. What's crucial is ensuring accountability for taxpayers’ money," he emphasized.

"We must remind the Speaker, whom we respect, that our inquiries stem from our duty to demand accountability. There is nothing disrespectful about seeking answers, and we will persist in our pursuit of accountability," he added.

Ssenyonyi questioned the government's purported zero-tolerance policy towards corruption, likening the situation to previous scandals like the "Mabaati saga," where wrongdoings went unchecked.

Furthermore, Ssenyonyi disclosed that Parliament's inadequate response to public concerns prompted him to petition the Director of Public Prosecutions Frances Abodo, Inspector General of Government Beti Kamya, and Auditor General John Muwanga to investigate allegations of corruption and abuse of office at Parliament.

"I have formally requested the IGG, DPP, and Auditor General to investigate allegations of financial impropriety and other misconduct within Parliament," he stated.

Addressing allegations regarding Among's absence from Parliament, Ssenyonyi refuted claims that she was away for half of the year, citing that even after the birth of her twins, she quickly resumed her duties.

"There is no evidence to support claims that the Speaker was absent for an extended period. These are critical issues that demand scrutiny," he said.

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