UPDF Air Force retirees warned over ‘sharks’ waiting for their retirement package

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Retiring officers from the Uganda Peoples' Defence Air Force have been cautioned to be vigilant against potential financial risks that could impact their retirement savings.

The warning came from Air Force Commander Lt Gen Charles Okidi during a dinner held at Air Force headquarters in Entebbe.

Lt Gen Okidi emphasised the importance of recognizing the valuable contributions made by retiring officers, stating, "It is part of our Air Force culture to honor and bid farewell to our retirees."

He expressed gratitude for their dedicated service to the nation in various leadership and command roles.

Furthermore, the UPDF Air Force Commander advised the retirees to adequately prepare for their transition into civilian life and to exercise caution and prudence while navigating the challenges of life outside the military.

Okidi extended his best wishes for a fulfilling retirement to the retirees and expressed gratitude to their spouses and families for their unwavering support.

One of the retiring General officers, Brig Gen Kwehangana, announced his retirement after an impressive 50-year tenure, having joined in 1973.

He expressed gratitude to the Ministry of Defence and Veteran Affairs for fostering a conducive environment for the UPDF to fulfill its duties and responsibilities.

Brig Gen Kwehangana said, "Often, when you believe you have reached the end of something, you are actually at the beginning of something new. We are never too old to embark on fresh endeavors."

Jacqueline Kankunda, the Deputy Residence District Commissioner(RDC) of Entebbe, extended her gratitude to the President who doubles a commander in Chief of the UPDF, Museveni, for establishing a disciplined and ideologically clear armed forces.

She commended the Air Force for its continued support to the Entebbe community whenever called upon.

The list of retired officers included Brig Kaija Atwooki, Maj Henry Nkalubo, and Maj Paddy, among others. The event was attended by senior and junior officers currently serving at UPDAF headquarters in Entebbe.

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