Police warn of recycled, fake videos depicting violent robberies in Kampala

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Police warn of recycled, fake videos depicting violent robberies in Kampala
Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga.

Police have warned members of the public, especially on social media against sharing old and fake videos depicting violent crimes in parts of the country, especially Kampala.

Addressing journalists on Monday, Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said despite having a peaceful environment in which no attack has happened in the last two or so weeks, several videos having circulating showing violent attacks against members of the public.

“There is continuous recycling and creation of fake videos which are shared on social media. Others get videos of violence from other countries and using AI they create deep fake videos and try to customize them as those happened in the country. We warn the public against recycling of old videos of violent attacks and torture,” Enanga said.

There has been a wave  of violent attacks by gangs that target members of the public walking on foot.

The gangs in groups approach their victims  from behind and then strike them square in the face with flying kicks before robbing them.

In other incidents, the gang pretend boda boda riders and their colleagues follow them before robbing the unsuspecting passengers.

Several such videos have made rounds on social media.

Last week, a video of a man being attacked in a similar fashion in broad day light along Buganda Road made rounds, before police clarified that the incident happened in 2022 and suspects involved where arrested and are currently on remand.

Commenting about the videos, police said many other videos are either being recycled or created using Artificial Intelligence before being circulated on social media platforms.

“We are aware the perpetuators aim at stocking fear and panic among the public but we want to inform the public that the police hasn’t registered a flying kick attack or ride along boda boda attack for more than two weeks but we notice there are negative elements sharing these videos,” Enanga said.

He said Police have since the attacks changed the security posture which has seen reduction in these violent attacks.

“We call upon al people on digital platforms to be vigilant and critical while scrutinizing information. We need to be responsible while consuming and disseminating information in this digital age.”

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