Least paid UPDF soldier to earn shs1m, generals to get shs15m in new army salary structure

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Government is set to revise the salaries of Uganda People’s Defence Forces(UPDF) soldiers  at all ranks the Nile Post has learnt.

The highly placed source at the Ministry of Defence intimated that the structure has been prepared for “quite some time” before presenting it to the army structures for vetoing and adoption.

The structure

This website has also learnt that according to the new salary structure, the least paid soldier at the rank of Private will now earn shs1.5 million and this is expected to go upwards depending on the ranks.

It is said that government realized the poor pay for UPDF soldiers with many earning below shs500,000 prompting a bumper package.

The new salary structure will see a Private earn shs1.5 million whereas the rest of the ranks between Private and Captain will also be paid within the bracket. Currently, a private earns less than Shs350,000 while a captain has been earning Shs670,000.

The other Ugandan army ranks between Private and Captain include Lance Corporal currently earn Shs310,000, Corporal Shs314,000, Sergeant Shs321,000, Staff Sergeant Shs341,000, Warrant Officer I Shs400,000,Warrant Officer II Shs450,000, Second Lieutenant Shs 520,000 and Lieutenant Shs600,000.

The report also suggests that ranks Major to Brigadier will also get a salary increment to at least Shs10m for the highest ranked, down from about Shs 2 million.

Also proposed is the increment in the salaries of the Generals, from about Shs4m to Shs 15m.

The source also confirmed to Nile Post that Parliament has been made aware of the new structures especially the one of Generals and has been drafted into the financial year.

However, new salaries for the lower ranks of Private to Captain are set to be effected in the next financial year, when government intends to increase the salaries of all workers.


Regarding the issue of welfare, the report suggests that government will take over the education of children of army personnel by ensuring that there is a standard school in every army barracks as well as a hospital.

The report indicates that army personnel should use the salary for other needs rather than spend it on education and health care of their children.

“The army must have everything of their own, schools from kindergarten to University and well equipped hospitals to cater to the health needs of the personnel and their families,” the report suggests.

A source at parliament confirmed the developments but didn’t divulge further details.

The Nile Post has been made to understand that this report about the new salary structure will be tabled in sittings of the High Command and the Army Council for adoption anytime.

This website, however, cannot confirm when the two bodies will sit.

When contacted, sources at State House said, “Why do you want to pre-empt the president and his meetings? The army will communicate when such a meeting happens.”

When contacted for a comment regarding the developments, the army spokesperson Brig Felix Kulayigye said he was not aware of the same.

Kulayigye later accused Nile Post of stealing information.

“Ask your source. You begin stealing information and want me to confirm? Let your source tell you,” Brig Kulayigye told the Nile Post in a phone interview before he hang up.

Museveni promise

President Museveni has on several occasions heaped praise on the UPDF for defending the country at all costs despite soldiers being one of the least paid civil servants.

“UPDF is an example that works with little resources but provides service for the people,”Museveni said last month while passing out 2,590 Local Defence Unit (LDU) personnel at Olilim Training School in Palam Sub-county, Ngariam County in Katakwi District.

Speaking to teachers under their umbrella body UNATU earlier this week, the president re-echoed the same sentiments, noting that it would be unfair to have arts teachers’ salaries increased now when many other civil servants still have low pay.

“My advice is that, go back and teach. Everyone is not earning well. Take an example of soldiers who are earning little but bringing peace. We don’t want to go around scattering money to everyone in small pieces because we want equity. Let people agree that some people can benefit for the first phase and we finish that …rather than splitting money for everyone so no one gains considerably,” Museveni said at Kololo on Tuesday.

During the 2021 president campaigns,  National Unity Platform (NUP) flagbearer, Robert Kyagulanyi alias Bobi Wine promised to revise the salaries for  the men in uniform to at least Shs1m for the least earning.

In reply, the Commander Land Forces and First Son Lt Gen Muhoozi Kainerugaba rebuked Bobi Wine for uttering such a proposal.


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