KCCA Embraces Tech: iPads for Councilors to Cut Paper, Boost Efficiency

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KCCA Embraces Tech: iPads for Councilors to Cut Paper, Boost Efficiency
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The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) is looking for tech solutions to streamline council operations. They're considering equipping councillors with iPads to reduce paper use, cut costs, and modernize their workflow.

The switch to digital devices offers several advantages. Councillors will have instant access to meeting agendas, documents, and other essential information on their iPads. This digital shift is also expected to improve communication and expedite decision-making within the council.

While adapting to new technology and data security might pose some initial challenges, KCCA believes the long-term benefits outweigh these concerns. Overall, this move reflects the council's commitment to modernization, environmental responsibility, and ultimately, greater efficiency.

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