World Bank funded USMID infrastructure projects close

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World Bank funded USMID infrastructure projects close
Minister Obiga Kania speaks to officials from 33 local governments in Jinja

A final meeting collecting all 33 local governments that have  been implementing infrastructure projects under USMID has been held in Jinja city.

The State Minister for Urban Development Obiga Kania, told the Mayors, Town clerks, LC Vs and District Planners that the new 200kms of roads needed to be well maintained.

"Our engagements with the World Bank that projects not completed by June 30th, will have impact on the new projects. We are giving an additional 1 month to July to complete all pending projects. We must maintain these assets," Obiga advised.

He  was speaking in Jinja City, during a final closure meeting for the Uganda Support to Municipal Infrastructure Development Program USMID.

Some of the officials from the 33 local governments attend the meeting in Jinja

The World Bank funded the program that built municipality roads at a cost of $510 million, including improved murrum roads in 11 refugee history district.

However, some of the local governments are asking for funds swiped back to the treasury upon closure of the financial year to be released to spending entities.

"We need these monies back into our accounts to enable us finish the pending civil works. Our biggest concern has been on delaying to give resources to the contractors," Okocha Kasolo, the Mayor Jinja city noted.

"Some of the contractors are still waiting for payments. We need clarity from the ministry of finance on this," Abdul Mutwalib, the Yumbe LC V Chairman added.

Minister Obiga, proposed "a cabinet discussion to ensure project funds are ring-fenced to enable a more efficient absorption of resources in future."

The Ministry of Lands Housing and Urban Development, is anticipating new funding lines from the World Bank once lending restrictions are relaxed.

This is intended to build additional road networks within the new regional cities and municipalities.

Obiga, also cited some cities with very beautiful markets, but people are vending by the road side and that this must change.

"Update your physical plans, eliminate enchroachers, right of way must be guaranteed enable the full roll out of the urbanization agenda. Ensure green areas are well protected to enhance the quality of good living and the healthy environment which feeds into our livelihood," the Minister advised.

He also cautioned against the habit of disrupting road infrastructure under the guise of erecting water and power utilities and government agencies charging sister agencies.

James Ogwang, from the Local Government  Finance Commission noted that most of the implementing entities built capacities and wide lesson, which should empower the local authorities for the better.

A total of 203km of municipality roads have been built above target of 190km according to the USMID program statistics shared today.

Dr. Isaac Mutenyo, the Program Coordinator of USMID described the 10 year old undertaking as a success.

"We are happy with the milestones achieved under this (USMID) program. We are looking forward  to proper maintenance of these assets by the local governments," Mutenyo stressed.

A total of 5,686 title deeds for the projects across 33 local governments and communities have been issued against a target of 5,000.

Pending targets include the valuation bill 2024, meant to streamline standard valuing of properties across the local urban areas.

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