S.1 students disguise as ADF, write letter threatening to attack Kasese school in revenge for punishment

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A few weeks after an ADF attack on Rubiriha Secondary School, police have arrested two senior one students who wrote an anonymous letter in which they threatened to attack their own school in Sheema and others in Kasese district.

According to police spokesperson, Fred Enanga, 16-year-old Innocent Mwesigye and Amon Ayebare, 17 both senior one students at St. Charles Lwanga Secondary School in Sheema district were arrested after authoring the letter.

“They wrote an anonymous terroristic letter against their school. In that anonymous terroristic threat, they were warning school administrators that there were plans of a terror attack on St.Charles Lwanga and on two other schools in Kasese. At the end of the letter they signed off as ADF rebels,”Enanga said.

According to the police spokesperson, after a thorough investigation and coordination with the school management, police was able to arrest the two students who later admitted to authoring the letter.

“On interrogation, they admitted to having authored the anonymous letter. They claimed they wanted to scare the school administration for having punished them after one of the dormitory captains reported them for indiscipline.”

Police say the two students are currently in detention in Sheema and an exercise book where they plucked a paper on which they wrote the threat has been recovered.

According to police, the letter is going to be subjected to analysis by a handwriting expert.

Police investigations have indicated that prior to the letter threatening attack on the school, a number of students at St.Charles Lwanga had been expelled over drug abuse and the two had been punished for threatening to burn the school dormitory.

“We want to warn students that making threats of violence of a terror attack or use of fire or abduction is not a joke but a criminal matter. We are going to ensure the two students are arraigned in courts for threatening violence and remanded to juvenile centre.”

The development comes on the backdrop of an attack by ADF rebel cum terrorist group on Rubiriha secondary school in Kampala last month in which over 40 students were killed.

During the night attack, the rebels set the boys’ dormitory on fire whereas they shot and killed girls in their dormitory.

They later looted posho and beans from the school store before forcing a few of the abducted students to carry the loot to DRC.

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