Fresh details indicate senior police officer chaired meeting that plotted legal officer's killing

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Police have provided an update into the ongoing investigations into the killing city legal officer Ronald Mukisa who was shot dead by unknown assailants almost two weeks ago at his home.

In a statement released on Monday, Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said whereas initially it was reported that senior police officer SP Vincent Irama’s role was to hire the gun used in the shooting,  a further interrogation has indicated he chaired the meeting that plotted the shooting.

“Although in our earlier interrogation, Cpl Anyuse admitted to having shot the victim, using a gun supplied by SP Irama, he has now back tracked and led the task team to the killer weapon, that he deserted with from the DRC. It was recovered while hidden behind the boys quarters, at the rented apartments in Kitiko-Birongo, while wrapped in a polythene bag,” Enanga said.

“ He however, confirms that the police officer, SP Irama Vincent, chaired the meeting of the murder plot.”

The police spokesperson said the additional suspected killer weapon recovered on Monday is going to be subjected to ballistic examination.

“As the joint security agencies, we do strongly condemn in the strongest terms, the actions of the two officers, who instead of protecting the lives of Ugandans, willfully took the desire to take another humans life, for money. There is no place for such kind of gross indiscipline, barbaric and aggressive behavior in the forces. The actions of the officers are regrettable and not representative of the two disciplined forces, of the Police and UPDF.”


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