Killer bodyguard had been with Minister Engola for a month, says Amongi

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The Minister for Gender and Labour Betty Amongi has said the UPDF bodyguard who shot junior Minister, Col(Rtd) Charles Engola had only spent one month with him.

“This particular bodyguard has not stayed with the minister for long. He has been his bodyguard only for about one month,” Betty Amongi told journalists.

Amongi, in whose ministry the deceased served said the killer bodyguard, Pte Wilson Sabiti was with the deceased minister in Namutumba for the International Labour Day celebrations where President Museveni was the chief guest.

“Yesterday he(Col Engola)  gave a speech. We organized the function together and caucused on what should be done together. The (Pte) Sabiti who shot him was with him yesterday at Namutumba and guarding him in his principal car. He was brought a month ago from Bombo to join the other bodyguards in the ministry who have been supporting him(minister),”Amongi added.

Whereas eyewitnesses told journalists that the bodyguard had complained of non payment , the Gender Minister Amongi, just like police said it is too early to speculate about the motive of the killing.

"He has been a new bodyguard just like the many, the minister had since he had a lead car. It is unfortunate (that the incident happened) but we don’t know what the issue is but police will determine from collaborative statements,"Amongi said.

This website has separately learnt that the deceased bodyguard is from the guard brigade of the 59th battalion in the UPDF fourth division located in Gulu.


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