Coca-Cola commits to ensuring employee well-being as world marks day for safety, health

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Coca-Cola Beverages Uganda (CCBU) has  reiterated its commitment to ensuring the well-being of  all its employees as part of celebrations to mark the world day for safety and health at work, which seeks to promote the prevention of occupational accidents and diseases.

The prevention of occupational accidents and diseases aligns with the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 2006, which requires an employer to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of persons at the workplace by providing protective equipment, instructing,

training, and supervising health and safety at workplaces.

Speaking on Thursday, CCBU public affairs, communications and sustainability director, Kirunda Magoola said safety and health are not only crucial but should form the core of any organisation.

“At CCBU, we do business the right way on a sustainable basis with our customers, suppliers, partners and communities. Profitability is important, but not at any cost. People matter, our planet matters. We believe in doing business the right way by following our values and working toward solutions that benefit us all.

“This is why sustained world-class safety standards are non-negotiable at CCBU,” Magoola said.

“It is important to note that safety and health at work is a fundamental right. To ensure that we achieve this, we conduct regular screening for employees, implement the mandatory use of personal protective equipment on all our sites, erect safety signs on our premises to remind employees of the need to be safe, conduct regular checks to identify unsafe situations and concerns and provide training on proper safety.”

He also noted the company’s safety and health measures extend to employees outside of CCBU premises.


Kirunda explained that last year, the beverage company registered zero accidents on the road after rigorously implementing a journey management plan and a fatigue management plan for fleet safety.


According to officials from CCBU, the company also has in place safety measures for all visitors and contractors who access its premises through the provision of safety gear like reflectors, education about using the marked walkways while at premises, and zebra crossings at company premises to avoid accidents.

Beyond internal safety measures, the company says it  established partnerships beyond CCBU such

as the Joe Walker and Friends Road Safety awareness campaign which aims at making roads safe

for all Ugandans.

“When we grow our business the right way, not just the easy way, we help create inclusive growth opportunities for our communities, women and youth, our customers, our employees and our shareholders, for a better shared future,” Magoola added.

He explained that CCBU ensures safety and health procedures are reviewed and updated on a regular basis due to the ever-changing trends and technology while putting in place a strict protocol that handles and reports workplace accidents and incidences.

“Beyond ensuring that injured employees receive immediate medical attention, we investigate the cause of the accident and identify any potential hazards that need to be addressed, we report the incident to the appropriate regulatory agencies and document all details for our records.”

Magoola said through its efforts, Coca Cola  has been able to attract and retain top talent and increase productivity due to limited absenteeism, thus growing the business.

He noted  company has been widely recognised, obtaining the 5-star NOSA Occupational award and rating following a survey that showed that the company meets all safety and health at work requirements.

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