How Nandutu fell into Karamoja iron sheets trap

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The Anti Corruption Court on Wednesday committed State Minister for Karamoja to High Court for trial over her role in the swindling of iron sheets meant for Karamoja.

In the evidence presented before the court on Wednesday, the Director of Public Prosecutions details how Nandutu got sulked into the scandal that has seen over 10 senior government officials implicated.

In the indictment signed by Chief State Attorney, David Bisamunyu on behalf of the DPP, the Ministry of Karamoja in 2021 received a shs39.9billion supplementary budget which was meant for disarmament and community empowerment program in Karamoja.

“The money was to be used to procure goats and iron sheets for the reformed youth warriors known as Karachunas  and other vulnerable groups like the elderly and women in Karamoja sub-region,” the indictment says.

The indictment says that the Office of the Prime Minister later identified MM Integrated Steel Mills Uganda Limited and M/S Roofings Group to supply pre-painted iron sheets and these were marked “Office of the Prime Minister.”

On June, 8, 2022, one Joshua Abaho, a senior assistant secretary in the OPM and a personal assistant to Minister, Mary Goretti Kitutu wrote an internal memo to the undersecretary requesting for the release of 10,000 iron sheets for Moroto.

“This request was made to have the said iron sheets to be used at the official launch of the distribution of items including iron sheets by the president. The launch was to be held in Moroto on June, 13, 2022 at Naitakwae grounds in Moroto district. The internal memo also had a request to authorize one trailer to transport the iron sheets to Moroto,” the indictment says.

The iron sheets were released and Minister Kitutu’s personal assistant, Joshua Abaho picked 1000 iron sheets, leaving behind 9000 that were delivered to Moroto for the launch officiated by President Museveni.

Nandutu sulked in

The indictment says  Nandutu who is charged with dealing with suspect property contrary to section 21a(1) of the Anti Corruption Act 2009 got involved after the Minister for Karamoja,Mary Goretti Kitutu gave her a call informing her that she had given her 2000 iron sheets to help the victims of landslides whose houses had been swept away.

“The offer of 2000 iron sheets was from the balance of 9000 initially meant for the official launch in Moroto district. The accused(Nandutu), accepted and confirmed availability with Joshua Abaho, the personal assistant to hon. Kitutu. On June 23, 2022, the accused availed shs750,000 for transport and sent her political assistant, Evelyn Bazibu to OPM Namanve stores to pick the iron sheets.”

The evidence by the state shows that Bazibu later got a vehicle, registration number UAZ, 347B and transported the 2000 iron sheets to her home in Namusera, Wakiso where Nandutu later went and confirmed their availability.

“In July 2022, the accused (Nandutu) called Bazibu and instructed her to get transport and loaders to have the iron sheets taken to her home in Seeta. The 2000 iron sheets were transported and delivered to the accused’s home and received by her farm manager, John Watenga.”

According to the indictment, on March, 23, 2023, when interviewed, Nandutu admitted to everything and directed police to her farm in Mukono to recover the 2000 iron sheets.

The evidence however says that at the farm, only 1617 iron sheets were recovered and the remaining 383 up to now are nowhere to be seen and that Nandutu has failed to account for them.

The indictment for Nandutu however doesnt clearly show how the iron sheets that had been taken to Moroto for the launch officiated by President Museveni later found their way at the OPM stores in Namanve.

The charges

Nandutu is charged with dealing with suspect property contrary to section 21a(1) of the Anti Corruption Act 2009 was read for her.

Under the charge, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) contends that during the month of June 2022, at the OPM stores Namanve, Mukono District and Kkola cell , Bulwanyi Parish in Mukono district, the minister  dealt with 2000 pre-painted iron sheets of gauge 28 by receiving and holding the said iron sheets which she had reason to believe were acquired as a result of lose of public property , an offence under section 10(1) of the Anti Corruption Act 2009.

However, Nandutu denied the charges on Wednesday before being remanded to Luzira up to May, 3.

Nandutu now joins fellow minister, Mary Goretti Kitutu(Karamoja) and Amos Lugoloobi( finance) to be arraigned before court over the iron sheet saga.

She however becomes the first minister to be committed to High Court for trial.

Several other senior government officials including the Vice President Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija among others have also been implicated in the saga.

According to police, which is carrying out investigations into the matter, at least eight ministers in total are lined up to be arraigned in court over the iron sheets saga.

President Museveni recently said he would take political action against all involved in the iron sheet saga that he described as a subversive act.







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