Minister Nandutu risks arrest after snubbing police summons over iron sheet scandal

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Police have said that State Minister for Karamoja, Agnes Nandutu has snubbed summons issued for her to appear before the Criminal Investigations Division headquarters in Kibuli.

Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga said on Monday that whereas Nandutu was expected to appear on Friday as a witness in the ongoing investigations at Kibuli, she didn’t show up but also didn’t provide reason for not appearing.

“There are some of the witnesses we interviewed from the beginning of the investigations and we have re-invited to reappear at CID headquarters but some of them have not appeared. For example, Hon Agnes Nandutu was summoned to reappear at CID headquarters but she didn’t turn up,”Enanga said.

The police spokesperson however urged all witnesses who have been summoned to respond to the summons but also cooperate with investigators.

“The information we require from you can help either prove the allegations against them or disprove what has been put against them. We want to see whether the ingredients in the file are enough to be taken to the DPP”

Enanga however didn’t commit himself on the fate of the minister in case she totally refuses to appear at CID as summoned.

However, it is likely that on refusal, the minister risks arrest.

The Police spokesperson explained that the arrest of people implicated in the iron sheets scandal only depends on the advice of the DPP and the evidence against them.

“We have a separate file on each person that we sent to the DPP. On reading the file and weighing evidence, the DPP has discretion to determine who is to be arraigned in court or not.”

The development comes on the backdrop of the arrest of State Minister for Finance, Amos Lugoloobi on Saturday and detained at Kira division police headquarters over his involvement in the Karamoja iron sheet saga.

Police spokesperson, Fred Enanga on Monday said the minister faces charges related to dealing in suspected stolen iron sheets.

Last week, the Minister for Karamoja, Mary Goretti Kitutu was charged over corruption and causing government loss over the iron sheets scandal.

President Museveni recently said he would take “a political” action against all those involved in the iron sheets scandal.

This has since been interpreted as firing them from cabinet.

The president has also said that all those who used the iron sheets meant for Karamoja to benefit their constituents should return them or pay their equivalence in cash.

He however noted that those who used them for personal gains should have charges preferred against them.

According to the president, the act of diverting the Karamoja iron sheets as being subversive since these were meant for among others, the Karachuna(Karamojong warriors) as part of government efforts to fight insecurity in the area.

He therefore noted that those involved in the scandal can only be equated to those trying to weaken government.

The statement by the president could partly explain the manner in which those involved have been handled, different from other scandals.

To give credence to this line of thought, sources have intimated to the Nile Post that the president directed that none of the ministers implicated in the iron sheets scandal should be allowed to leave the country.

Other senior government officials implicated in the Karamoja iron sheet scandal include the Vice President Jessica Alupo, Prime Minister Robinah Nabbanja, Finance Minister, Matia Kasaija, Speaker of Parliament and Anita Among, among others.


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