National development plan review forum exposes weaknesses in service delivery

The 3rd National Partnership Forum on Thursday unearthed a number of development projects that have not been adequately met by the National Development Plan 11 (NDP11). T

his was revealed during a one day meeting in Kampala, which brought together development partners, Civil Society Organizations, the National Planning Authority and Ministry of Finance officials among others.

In his opening remarks, the head of the Public Service and Secretary to Cabinet John Mitala, said NDP11 mid term review is good for accelerating economic development through poverty eradication.

He however, raised fears that some government sectors have not fully accomplished their mandate in as far as service delivery is concerned.

He likened such sectors to a quotation from Prophet Muhammadthe founder of Islam, which says: “Every day is voting day. Satan votes against you and God Votes for You."

During a Panel discussion; the executive director NGO Forum Richard Ssewakiryanga, said the health sector and climate change are not adequately addressed in NDP 11.

“When you move around town, you hear many sirens of police vehicles behind you and very few of Ambulance siren, indicating that there are many vehicles in the VIP escort convoys than the health sector”, he said.

He raised fears that continual wetland encroachment is route cause to prolonged droughts in Uganda, and called for government to promote irrigation to guarantee food security.

UNICEF Chief Social Policy and Advocacy officer Diego Angemi, said about three quarters of refugees living in Uganda have no shelter access, citing this as a big challenge to Uganda.

He called upon government to emulate Singapore, Thailand and Korea, which put in place immigration policies, that do not jeopardise their countries’ socio economic development.

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