RDC list to be revised due to inaccuracies, mistakes


President Museveni has promised to revise the RDCs list after the first list was riddled with inconsistencies and inaccuracies, Don Wanyama, the senior presidential press secretary confirmed on Tuesday.

On Friday, June 15, Museveni announced new RDCs and their deputies.

However, some commentators quickly pointed out that some of the people on the list were dead while another person was a serving LC V chairperson. They also pointed out that the president had based his appointment on wrong articles of the constitution.

Those appointed RDCs but are dead include: Aluma Geofrey for Amudat and Aya William, appointed deputy RDC Pader.

Andrew Napajja who was appointed as RDC Kaabong is the LCV chairperson for Moroto.

Museveni had also quoted articles 108(1), 108 (2), 113(1) and Article 99(1)

These articles touch on the appointment of the Vice President (108), cabinet ministers (113).

Only Article 99 (1) is relevant in this matter.

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