Prof.Balunywa calls for education reforms

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Prof.Balunywa calls for education reforms
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The former Principal of Makerere University Business School (MUBS) , Professor Waswa Balunywa has urged the education ministry to make reforms in the education system through the merger of primary and secondary levels in schools.

Among the reforms, Prof.Balunywa ,advocated for the removal of primary seven  exams in the education sector sighting long term goals but instead establish the standard one to 12 education system.

He said this is intended to address the issue of poverty eradication as a result of early teenage pregnancies, poor family planning among others.

“Over 1.6million students join primary level education but about 600 of them finish why ? , what happens to the others. More than 50% of those who drop out are girls. Traditionally , if a girl reaches puberty; give her away . Otherwise, right now what is happening with urbanization, the girl leaves home to town ; the next time she’s pregnant…possibly the father may be 15 years with out stable income to look after her,” Balunywa stated.

"These women are not delivering babies , they are delivering poverty to this country”

He highlighted the emphasis for the government to fully fund all science students to promote science and technology in the country.

Prof. Balunywa was presiding over the graduation ceremony at Kabojja International School.

According to the Principal Director Kabojja International School, Sam Turya , schools should desist from focusing only on grading students but also equip them with life sustainable skills to ensure their living environment is applicable after school.

“We have to ensure students also are equipped with soft skills to make them valuable in the community,” Turya said.

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