Rotary Rubaga Lakeview’s Outreach Boosts Health, Education on Buyiga Island

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Rotary Rubaga Lakeview’s Outreach Boosts Health, Education on Buyiga Island
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The Rotary Club of Rubaga Lakeview has started work to construct a new classroom block on Buyiga Island, aiming to improve learning conditions for students.

The island’s only secondary school currently has just two classrooms, limiting enrolment and learning opportunities for many children.

While at the 5th annual medical outreach, the Club President, Peter Kizza Kiyingi, emphasised the importance of the project.

“This classroom block will help increase learning space at the secondary school. With more classrooms, we hope to see more students enrolling and staying in school,” he said.

The outreach also provided critical health services to the community. “We conducted a health camp offering medical checks, HIV testing and counseling, blood pressure monitoring, eye screening, dental care, malaria treatment, and deworming of children.

We didn’t just treat, we taught. Islanders learned how to care for their health, including managing oral hygiene better,” Kizza added.

The message of increasing learning space was echoed by Rotary Assistant Governor Rotarian Timothy Musoke Ssejoba, who also serves in the Ministry of Education as Commissioner for University Education. He highlighted the vital role of education in driving community development.

The outreach addressed environmental conservation. In partnership with Treescape Planet Organisation, the Club planted 1,000 trees, many of which are fruit trees.

“These trees will help protect the environment, improve food security, and provide incomes for families in the future,” Kizza said.

The Rotary Club of Rubaga Lakeview’s efforts on Buyiga Island demonstrate their commitment to creating long-term change in education, health, and the environment. For the community, these initiatives are a step toward a brighter and more sustainable future.

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