Ssekikubo denied microphone at Muhoozi Thanksgiving

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Ssekikubo denied microphone at Muhoozi Thanksgiving
MP Ssekikubo (centre) was denied a chance to speak in Bunyoro

Lwemiyaga County legislator Theodore Ssekikubo has accused his colleagues from Bunyoro for allegedly intentionally denying him a microphone during an event.

Mr Ssekikubo was at the weekend attending a Thanksgiving ceremony organised for Defence Forces chief Muhoozi Kainerugaba at Booma grounds in Hoima.

The Thanksgiving, organised by Patriotic League of Uganda to honour Muhoozi's appointment to Chief of Defence Forces, saw religious and political leaders turn up in big numbers and Ssekikubo was out to canvass signatures for the censure motion.

While members of parliament were given a chance to speak, the Lwemiyaga County MP was denied a microphone by the Hoima parliamentary caucus vice chairperson Harriet Businge, who revealed that Ssekikubo had plans of a shaming them for failing to sign the censure documents.

"We can't allow the MPs from Buganda to come and cause chaos here," she said.

"Bunyoro has it's leaders, you can't come and you forcefully want to grab a microphone, it shows indiscipline, who invited him here anyway?"

Ssekikubo, who took about 20 minutes to leave the stage upon being denied a microphone, said the reason for coming with the censure motion files is because in Kampala legislators hide so he knew at such a function he would get them.

"It's a bad gesture, when we look for them in Kampala they hide, so we decided to come and find them in Bunyoro, but the members have chosen to act like so and denied me a chance to even greet the population," he said.

"We need just nine more signatures and I see the turn up was enough here but they have all run away."

Ssekikubo (right) argues out his case after being denied a chance to speak

Ssekikubo accused Bunyoro Parliamentary Caucus members of not being transparent.

"You claim to be under PLU, but they stand for accountability, what kind of members are you who can't sign so that we can censure these four commissioners and bring sanity in Parliament? he asked.

Michael Kaguta, aka Toyota, the PLU national vice chairman, informed Ssekikubo that the reason for denying him a microphone was by protocol and time saying the organisers had not planned to have him.

"Honourable Ssekikubo, you are my brother, we seem to be same and we share a lot in common as a brotherhood, denying you a microphone was due to time and protocol but don't take it in bad faith," Toyota, a younger brother of President Museveni, said.

He called for unity among PLU supporters, saying their mission is to ensure people love their country but also work hard to improve livelihood especially the youth.

"I have had some opposition join us, we are welcoming everyone in PLU, we just want to have people love their country, but also avoid internal fighting. We are a peaceful group," he said.

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