Gulu City ready to reap from huge daytime population

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Gulu City ready to reap from huge daytime population
Jane Frances Okili, the Gulu Resident City Commissioner | Joseph Omagor

The growing daytime population of Gulu has come as a surprise to many in the city.

According to the National Population and Housing Census, the northern city hosts 91,165 visitors, which makes it the second most populous city in the country during the daytime.

The city is now hopeful that this growing population will increase the opportunities for its residents.

"You know we have many annexed areas when the city was announced, and this population comes with both advantages and disadvantages, which gives us more opportunities as a city," said Lambert Akena Lamex, the Gulu City deputy speaker.

Akena, who is acting speaker after with his boss on maternity leave, believes that businesses such as the hotel and tourism stand a chance of making profits.

Kenneth Rubangakene, a resident, says there are opportunities in Gulu, that is why people are coming here, and this brings about economic growth.

He added that the population influx has increased the lifestyle of the local people.

"Our local people are borrowing new ideas from the people who are coming from other sub regions, for example our people are now growing crops such as onions, so we should just be happy," he said.

In terms of hospitality, Nelson Obol sees the city as the pivot for people who are traveling from the neighbouring cities such as Lira, Arua and countries like South Sudan, DR Congo and Kenya.

Obol, who manages one of the oldest radio stations in the city, says "this increasing population is because people are using the city as a lounge pad, tourists come in large numbers due to the hospitality in the city".

The Resident City Commissioner, Ms Jane Frances Okili, has been implementing the trade order, ensuring that there are no roadside businesses on the walkways and improving the street signages and markings.

Having emerged from the ruins of the Joseph Kony-led LRA war in morthern Uganda, the population of Gulu has steadily risen in the past 10 years from 152,276 to 232,723.

"Many people are also returning home after the return of peace in this region," Rubangakene said.

RCC Okili has pledged to ensure that the growing population of the city does not lead to increase in insecurity especially with existing street gangs known as Aguu.

"We are excited about the results from the population census and we are looking to make Gulu the best city," she said.

Gulu City is the administrative hub of northern Uganda. It is located near to tourism sites such Aruu falls, Sir Samuel Baker Fort, the 1911 Lamogi rebellion site and two major national parks in Kidepo to the east and Murchison to the west.

The city is located about 334km north of the capital Kampala.

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