PLU disciplinary head summoned by CID over corruption

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PLU disciplinary head summoned by CID over corruption
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The Police Criminal Investigation Department (CID) have summoned two legislators, including the People's League of Uganda (PLU) disciplinary head, over ongoing corruption investigations.

Igara East MP Michael Mawanda has been summoned for his involvement in alleged theft, corruption and intentions to defraud Buyaka Growers Cooperative of funds disbursed by the government

The cooperative serves war veterans.

Mr Mawanda was recently involved in a spat with PLU leader in Buganda Frank Gashumba, with the latter accusing the legislator of perpetuating gross corruption.

Mr Mawanda had summoned by Mr Gashumba over his social media utterances.

Mr Mawanda has been summoned alongside Ignatius Wamakuyu Mudimi, the MP for Mbulambuli Constituency in Elgon subregion.

The Nile Post understands that Mr Wamakuyu, who was sharing light jokes with his colleagues at Parliament today, is headed for detention, joining three other MPs currently detained in the ongoing wide ranging corruption investigations.

Yusuf Mutembuli, Cissy Namujju and Paul Akamba were last week arrested and charged with corruption over their alleged role in negotiating kickbacks in return for boosting certain sector budgets during the Appropriation Process.

Long trail

While appearing before the Trade and Tourism Committee of Parliament in December 2023, former State Minister for Trade Harriet Ntabazi told committee members that CID had identified five files for investigations into the cooperatives compensation fraud.

The Mwine Mpaaka probe committee report discovered that payments amounting to Shs48.77 billion was made in excess outside the allocated amount to various cooperatives .

The report, which was adopted without debate, saw Speaker Anita Among on December 13, 2023, telling all members of parliament implicated in the embezzlement of Shs164bn cooperatives compensation funds to report to police before they were picked up.

"Honarable members, If you see your name there, take yourself to the police, the report on cooperatives was forwarded to CID, IGG and DPP," Ms Among said.

The cooperatives in question include  West Acholi, Busoga Growers, Uganda Transport Association, West Mengo, Banyankoole Kweterana, and Masaba Cooperatives.

The numbers suggest that there are a few more MPs set to take off their belt and shoes as they are ushered into police cells.

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