UNEB to use PLE results in ranking Schools' final performance at UCE, UACE

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Uganda National Examination Board will use PLE results for each student to determine the final cumulative performance of each school at O and A level.

In the new criterion, Schools that admit students who scored aggregate 4 in PLE will be required to register a similar result in UCE (8 in 8) and UACE (20). On the other hand, schools that recruit students who have performed quite poorly but are able to refine them into best performers at UCE and UACE will be ranked highly.

The new performance criterion is meant to identify new potential schools and also push schools to provide inclusive development of all the students that enrol in a particular school.

Addressing the press, the Executive Secretary UNEB Dan Nokrach Odongo, highlighted that the move is influenced by studies and is to be effected from the 2017 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results.

At the release of the 2017 Uganda certificate of education results, Uganda national examination board will be using the school effectiveness or value added measure to report performance of schools in UCE examination.

“The school effectiveness measure will take into account the grades which with which the students were admitted into senior one and the final grade in senior four,” Nokrach says.

In the past, schools have been rated on how many first grades they have produced, but from research this criterion has ignored the efforts by the schools that usually admit students who have not performed so well. UNEB will use this school effectiveness measure to find out if schools actually added value to the candidate.

‘If a child goes to school with an aggregate of 4 at PLE they should get at least an aggregate of say 10 in 8 at UCE but if the candidate gets 17 or 16 in 8, this is beyond the predicated score of this person, so has the school added value to this person, this is the essence of the school effectiveness measure’

UNEB will then avail these findings to respective schools to help in evaluation, in the meantime UNEB does not intend to follow up but will advise on all students can be incorporated Nokrach NOTES THAT its time to applaud schools that enroll worst performers but a re able to transform them into better products at the end of day. The mechanisms were influenced by a baseline study funded by USAID


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