Sex: How to tell that Dora is faking it!

Let's Talk About Sex

People have sex for different reasons. Some men will have sex simply because they are hard, and if it is hard, they will have to find a way to put it down.

Some men will not even realize the person they just laid until it is all done. When a man is hard, all they want is to get in and get out. That is why sex can never equate to love as far as men are concerned. He will lay you for a year, but his heart might never get there.

On the other side, women have mastered the art of faking it. Women used to lay a man they couldn't live without. Their heart had to be there before they parted their legs.

Times have changed. Or maybe they have been faking it for so long, but today it is just too visible. A woman will lay a man for years, and she will fake cum every day of every lay.

Moaning should be sensational. It comes from the heart of her choochkie. No woman should be able to remember what they said after sex.

Today Sengas tell their daughters the exact words to use during sex.

A woman will make sounds from how deep they feel you inside them. No one moans the same year in year out. So if your woman has been singing Obangaina from January to December, she has been faking it, dear.

Moans make men cum. If a woman has mastered certain words that make you cum, she will often say them when she is bored and can't have you on top of them any longer.

No one screams like a man selling knickers in Owino simply because your lay is good. Some women will start moaning even before you unzip their dress. These are the masters of fake.

Moaning comes naturally. Men don't know they moan because their moan is simply out of feeling.

So if she starts moaning before you even slide in, she is probably setting you up to cum fast so that she is done with the whole thing.

If a woman is enjoying what you are doing to her body, they will never tell you to cum. No one wants something sweet to stop. They will want it to go on until forever but if she yells out a few words, breathes like an over used generator and then eventually tells you to cum, she is faking all of it.

Like a thief, a woman faking an orgasm will rarely close her eyes. She is not feeling anything you are doing to her body. She is simply fulfilling a KPI.

She will lay there like a log, look at you, sweat it out, and when you are almost there, she will moan just a little for support and the next minute, she will be on her phone telling her friends about it. Fake, fake, fake.

No woman rushes out to continue with her chores after a good lay. There will never be a better sleeping pill like good sex.

Good sex should take you straight to sleep. That is why most couples have sex at the end of the day to get a good night's sleep.

A woman good at faking an orgasm will go back to her chores after cleaning you off of her body.

She will lay you, give you that fake "I am cumming”, and go back to washing the dishes. When this happens, you have not done a good job.

For married couples, at some point, sex becomes a KPI. They are doing it because Senga said, "Omusajja tebamumma".

She will lay you because she has to and not because she wants you. She will fake cum to make you happy, which is the saddest thing on earth. Sex is for enjoying.

Whereas sex for a wife is a KPI, it is survival for most side dishes. Side dishes fake the most. She is there to make a living.

They know the relationship is not going anywhere, and they are laying you to make their lives better. No one moans better than them. No one praises a man like a woman getting paid to do so.

A woman being wet doesn't mean she has cum. SMH. A woman will be overly wet and still fake an orgasm just to get rid of you. These days women have even mastered the shaking leg. It is survival out here.

The saddest thing anyone can ever go through is having to fake cum just to get done with the sex. It feels like rape because she doesn't want what she is going through, but she has to do it.

Instead of leaving a man because he cheated, having to fake an orgasm is more of a reason to leave.

PS: Men fake cum too.

Till next time, if she has to fake it, don't be with her.


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