Kagame to Tshisekedi: Rwanda ready for military action

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Kagame to Tshisekedi: Rwanda ready for military action
Rwanda's Paul Kagame | Courtesy

KIGALI | Rwandan President Paul Kagame has said his nation is ready to defend itself against any potential threats even if it needed military action.

"We are ready to fight. We are not afraid of anything," Kagame, who was speaking to France 24, said.

During a presidential election campaign rally in Rwanda's western town of Rubavu, Kagame sai his country was committed to self-reliance and preparedness.

"We do what concerns us, we focus on ourselves and on our goals, we transform our lives, and we leave to others what concerns them," he said.

"We know what is up to us, and we are always ready to work and live well with those who are willing. But when what I will not mention occurs, we are always going to be prepared."

President Kagame's remarks come amid escalating tensions between Rwanda and DR Congo, both members of the East African Community (EAC).

He said Rwanda was committed to maintaining strong defence capabilities while striving for peaceful and cooperative relationships.

"When you develop and want to have good relationships and build partnerships, you also have to be prepared," Kagame said.

"What would happen if some don’t want a good relationship with you and instead want to destabilise your security? Are you prepared to confront them?"

These pointed comments are directed at Kinshasa, which has accused Rwanda of supporting the M23 rebel group.

Kigali has consistently denied these allegations.

The M23 group has been implicated in numerous human rights violations in eastern DR Congo, according to the Kinshasa government and UN rights groups.

Additionally, Western governments have alleged that Rwandan troops are present in Congolese territory, aiding the M23 rebels. These accusations have further strained the already fragile relationship between the two nations.

Rwanda, in turn, has accused President Felix Tshisekedi’s government of supporting the FDLR, a genocidal group responsible for atrocities against Tutsi communities in eastern DR Congo and attacks on Rwandan territory.

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