Jailed MP Mawanda supporters fasting to save his neck

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Jailed MP Mawanda supporters fasting to save his neck
Michael Mawanda is facing corruption charges

BUSHENYI | A section of supporters of Igara East MP Michael Mawanda Malanga have embarked on weekly fasting and constant prayers seeking divine mercy for his release from prison.

They also appealed to President Museveni to fast-track Mawanda's bail to allow him face his corruption charges when out of prison.

A week ago, Mawanda was charged with corruption over war loss compensation fund in cooperative societies that he is accused of illegally benefiting from.

He was remanded to prison over the Shs160 billion scam.

Since his arrest, Mawanda's constituency has been calm despite dissenting voices from some of his voters and those who are against corruption in the district that were in support for his arrest.

The situation has since turned normal according to Mawanda's political assistant Joshua Asingwire.

A section of Mawanda's supporters say their MP has unfinished projects in the constituency.

They believe their fasting and prayers will also soften President Museveni's heart since the crack down started with his avowal at the State of the Nation Address last month.

However, the same voters admitted that they don't condone corruption since it derails service delivery.

The embattled MPs on corruption charges will again to appear before court in July for hearing of their court bail applications.

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