Gen. Kainerugaba meets new Italian Ambassador to Uganda

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Gen. Kainerugaba meets new Italian Ambassador to Uganda
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Gen. Muhoozi Kainerugaba, Chief of Defence Forces and Senior Presidential Advisor for Special Operations, met with the new Italian Ambassador to Uganda, Mauro Massoni, at the Special Forces Command Headquarters in Entebbe this afternoon.

The meeting focused on mutual interests and strengthening the long-standing historical ties between Uganda and Italy.

Both leaders affirmed their commitment to further enhancing bilateral relations.

Uganda and Italy have enjoyed diplomatic relations for many years, with a significant boost in 2020 following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on defense cooperation.

This meeting marked the first between Gen. Kainerugaba and Ambassador Massoni, who recently succeeded Ambassador Massimiliano Mazzanti. Gen. Kainerugaba extended a warm welcome to Ambassador Massoni, expressing optimism about the future of Uganda-Italy relations.

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