Minister Muyingo impersonator scams Arua teachers of Shs35m

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Minister Muyingo impersonator scams Arua teachers of Shs35m
Victor Adame allegedly claimed to work for Minister Chysostom Muyingo

ARUA | Police in Arua are holding a man from Wakiso District over allegation of scamming teachers in Arua while impersonating the State Minister for Higher Education, Dr John Chrysostom Muyingo.

Victor Aja Adame, 43, resident of Galuga Bukaya Village, Katabi Town Council, allegedly scammed staff of Logiri Girls SS of Shs35 million after presenting himself as working on the orders of Minister Muyingo.

It's alleged that in September 2023, Adame went to office of Logiri Girls Secondary School headteacher's office, and claimed that the minister had sent him to look for qualified teachers who are not on government payroll, and those who are worth promotions to position of head teacher.

He further said that the best four students in A-Level would be offered government sponsorship at any public university.

The headteacher, Ms Lillian Apio Tak, welcomed Adame and after his introduction, called for a staff meeting such that the same could be delivered to the staff.

It was found out that 31 teachers, three nurses and one lab attendant within the school desperately needed that service from the ministry.

The suspect allegedly demanded Shs1 million from each of the 35 staffs in order to consider them for promotion to become headteachers, and those not on government payroll to be considered on payroll.

He promised them that by end of December 2023, they would hear from Minister Muyingo.

However, upon receiving the money, the suspect stopped answering phone calls from the headteacher, later he switched off his known mobile phone number, which made the headteacher to suspect him to have defrauded the teachers.

Accordingly, she reported to Arua Vurra Central Police Station at Odumi, and registered a case of obtaining money by false pretence,.

The suspect was traced, arrested and detained at police station while Shs2 million was recovered from him.

According to Josephine Angucia, the West Nile Police region spokesperson, the victims have all been summoned and their statements recorded as well as statements from other relevant witnesses.

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