Parliament exhibition should center around Parliament not Speaker Among, says Hudu Hussein

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Masaka City's Resident City Commissioner (RCC), Hudu Hussein, has proposed a recalibration of focus for the Parliamentary exhibition recently initiated by Makerere University lecturer, Jimmy Spire Ssentongo.

Hussein suggests that the exhibition should centre on Parliament itself rather than solely on Speaker Anita Annet Among.

Issues such as the misuse of public funds, deteriorating healthcare services, and the prevalence of potholes in Kampala's streets have sparked an online protest campaign.

Despite street protests being effectively outlawed in the country and widespread corruption, this campaign has gained traction, particularly on the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), under the hashtag #UgandaParliamentExhibition.

Leaked official documents form the basis of this campaign, presenting a series of posts highlighting controversial matters.

The recent posts, focusing on Parliament, allege instances of misappropriation of public resources, nepotism in staff recruitment, and possible collusion between civil servants and lawmakers on oversight committees.

In a statement, Hussein, known for his frank commentary, minced no words in his critique, specifically targeting the allocation of funds within the legislative body.

"If it's an exhibition about Parliament, let it be about Parliament, not just the speaker," Hussein asserted, addressing concerns about perceived extravagance in parliamentary spending.

Elaborating on his viewpoint, Hussein identified the underlying issue as the nature of Ugandan politics.

"The root cause of what some perceive as extravagance in both the executive and legislature lies in the nature of our political system," he argued.

Highlighting the pressures faced by politicians, especially Members of Parliament (MPs), in meeting the needs of their constituencies, Hussein explained, "Politicians (MPs) have no choice but to allocate funds to cope with the pressure of serving entire constituencies."

Despite facing criticism for his remarks, viewed by some as oversimplified or dismissive of deeper concerns, Hussein challenged the paradoxical nature of the discourse surrounding parliamentary expenditure.

"The very individuals demonizing Parliament aspire to contest and become MPs themselves. Why join what you perceive as the devil's league unless you're aligned with its ideals?" Hussein questioned, shedding light on the complexities of parliamentary expenditure discourse.

Undeterred by the backlash, Hussein maintained his stance, asserting that the crux of the matter lies in the systemic challenges of Ugandan politics.

"The problem lies at the roots, not the leaves," he emphasized. "Why do MPs require substantial funds? They are indebted because they need to maintain voter support. Being a politician in Uganda comes at a high cost, and that's the core issue."

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