Jesus refuses to be counted, arrested

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Jesus refuses to be counted, arrested
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Kingi Narvas Veran, a man claiming to be Jesus Christ and leader of a cult in Luyima Village, Luwero district, has been remanded to prison along with a follower.

Narvas and Erishani De Gresher were arrested on May 13th for refusing to participate in the ongoing National Population and Housing Census. They reportedly told the census enumerator, Isma Mubiru, that they belonged to a different world and were already counted there.

On Wednesday, May 15th, Grade I Magistrate Christopher Tindyeebwa Adyeeri remanded both men to Butuntumula Prison. They face charges of obstructing a lawful duty – the National Census – as outlined in Section 28 Sub section 3 of the Uganda Bureau of Statistics Act (Chapter 3).

According to the prosecution led by Sandra Nakire, Narvas and his follower refused to provide any information to the census enumerator. Mubiru then contacted the police, leading to their arrest.

While pleading guilty, Narvas insisted he belonged to another world. Magistrate Tindyeebwa, however, denied their bail request based on the "church leaning" nature of the case. He explained that admitting guilt in a religious context meant they weren't considered innocent for legal purposes.

Both men will remain in custody until their next court appearance on May 29th, 2024, at the Luwero Magistrate Court.

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