95% of Ugandans have legal problems but resolution has improved, report shows

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95% of Ugandans have legal problems but resolution has improved, report shows
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A new survey in Uganda shows a high prevalence of legal problems, with 95% of Ugandans experiencing at least one legal issue in the past year. This number has increased from previous surveys (88% in 2016 and 84% in 2020), likely due to the impact of COVID-19.

Despite the high number of problems, there is some positive news. The resolution rate for legal issues has also improved. Around 55% of all problems are now completely or partially resolved, compared to 48% and 40% in the past.

Here's a breakdown of the key findings:

  • Prevalence of Legal Problems: Extremely high (95%) with land, family, crime, and domestic violence being the most common issues.
  • Resolution Rates Increasing: There's a positive trend with more people resolving their legal problems (55% now vs. 48% previously).
  • Improved Access to Courts: The number of Ugandans using courts to address problems has risen slightly (10% vs. 5% in 2020). This is attributed to growing confidence in the court system.
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution Encouraged: Officials are urging Ugandans to embrace alternative methods like mediation to reduce court caseloads and improve overall justice system efficiency.

The survey launch was attended by government officials, justice system representatives, and the Dutch embassy. The Netherlands plays a role in funding these surveys, which are seen as a valuable tool for policymakers to understand citizen needs and improve access to justice.

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