Katanga Trial: Assistant DPP wanted as Molly’s witness

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Katanga Trial: Assistant DPP wanted as Molly’s witness
Assistant DPP Samali Wakooli

NATIONAL | The defense team in the Katanga murder case have objected to the lead prosecutor, Samali Wakooli, insisting the Assistant Director of Public Prosecution is required as a credible witness in this case.

The lawyers led by Bruce Musinguzi argue that the Assistant DPP, who is also a lead prosecutor in this case, sanctioned and drafted the summary of evidence on January 22, 2024.

According to the summary of evidence signed by Ms Wakooli, Ms Katanga's DNA was found to be most prominent on the trigger of the murder weapon.

This summary claims that the DNA findings were confirmed by a DNA report.

However, defence lawyer Musinguzi told Judge Isaac Muwata's court that the actual DNA report provided to the defence is dated April 30, 2024, over three months later.

Mr Musinguzi argued that this discrepancy demonstrates a significant bias in the prosecution's case, terming it a "prosecutor's fallacy."

The defense lawyers accuse the DPP of prosecutorial bias tasking the DPP to explain where Wakooli got the facts and details of the DNA report which never existed at the time of committal

“This,” Musinguzi argued, “undermines the credibility of the prosecution's evidence and suggests a premature rush to judgment.”

Mr Musinguzi also told the judge that the defence had preemptively addressed the issue with Ms Wakooli, indicating that she would be called as a witness for Ms Katanga.

The prosecution has requested an hour from the court to address the matter.

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