Two jailed six years for vandalism of electricity infrastructure

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Two jailed six years for vandalism of electricity infrastructure
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The Chief Magistrates Court in Mayuge has sentenced to six years imprisonment each after being found guilty of vandalising electricity infrastructure.

Mayuge Chief Magistrate Harriet Atim Okello convicted  Asuman Kalifaani Mulondo and  Ntalo Egesa of vandalism, causing financial losses to the country and economic sabotage following their arrest early this year.

Before being sentenced, the duo pleaded for lenience from court.

"Your worship I have two children in candidate class who need my financial support," Egesa told court.

He added that the four months  he has been on remand have been a learning lesson to him .

"Your worship, spending a week in jail is enough punishment for someone unless he is a hardcore criminal but I  am a first time offender. If  you pardon or grant me a lenient sentence and next time I am brought before you, please consider a more punitive punishment. I have learnt a lesson while on remand."

Asuman Kalifaani Mulondo also pleaded for  lenient sentence like community service.

The trial magistrate however jailed the duo six years each.

"You are found guilty of all charges under the electricity Amendment Act 2020, section 85 (a).The  maximum sentence is 12 years in prison or a fine of shs10 million but I am considering custodial remedy for this matter."

"Electricity is very key in the development of the economy hence its infrastructure should be protected. I therefore sentence each of you to six years in prison."

She advised the convicts to appeal in a higher court if they're not satisfied with her sentences.

According to officials from Uganda Electricity Distribution Company Ltd (UEDCL) this judgement comes at a time when electricity infrastructure vandalism is on the rise in Uganda especially Busoga sub-region which has caused financial losses to the country worth Billions.

Alex Asiimwe the territory Manager UEDCL Eastern Uganda revealed that since their arrest early this year, there has been relative peace in the area, especially Mayuge where vandalism has been high.

Jonan Kiza the Spokesperson UEDCL revealed that the country loses not less than shs3 billion as a result of vandalism electricity infrastructure.

"In Busoga the vandalism habits are related to siphoning transformer oil, and cutting power lines while in other areas the cases of vandalism vary including cutting metallic poles," Kiiza said

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