Uganda on track with nuclear energy plans- Atomic energy council

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Uganda on track with nuclear energy plans- Atomic energy council
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In a notable advancement for Uganda's energy sector, Akisophel Kisolo, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Council, announced that the country is making significant progress towards utilizing nuclear energy.

This announcement coincided with a firm response from Minister of Energy and Mineral Development, Ruth Nankabirwa, who addressed criticisms from environmental activists and affirmed Uganda's preparedness for this transformative energy source.

Kisolo's comments came during the national stakeholders workshop on the Atomic Energy Bill 2024 where he detailed Uganda's advancements in preparing for nuclear energy.

"We are on course to have nuclear energy in Uganda," Kisolo stated confidently, emphasizing the ongoing efforts to establish the necessary infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and technical expertise to support the safe and effective use of nuclear power.

Minister Nankabirwa responded to the concerns raised by environmental activists, who have argued that Uganda lacks the capacity and preparedness to safely manage nuclear energy, citing potential environmental and safety risks.

She  dismissed these claims, highlighting the comprehensive measures being taken to ensure Uganda's readiness.

"Our commitment to nuclear energy is grounded in rigorous planning and adherence to international safety standards," she asserted.

"We have engaged with global experts and stakeholders to develop a robust framework that prioritizes the safety of our people and the environment."

Nankabirwa further emphasized the critical need for nuclear energy in Uganda's energy mix, noting that it offers a reliable and sustainable solution to the country's growing electricity demands.

"Nuclear energy will play a pivotal role in diversifying our energy sources and achieving long-term energy security," she explained.

The minister also noted that Uganda's move towards nuclear energy aligns with global trends, where many countries are adopting nuclear power to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change.

"Uganda is not isolated in this endeavor. We are part of a global movement towards cleaner and more sustainable energy solutions," Nankabirwa added.

The statements from Kisolo and Nankabirwa underscore Uganda's strategic approach to developing its nuclear energy capabilities.

Under Kisolo's leadership, the Atomic Energy Council has been instrumental in coordinating efforts with international nuclear agencies, securing technical assistance, and ensuring compliance with global safety standards.

As Uganda moves forward with its nuclear energy plans, the government remains committed to transparency and stakeholder engagement.

The recent national stakeholders workshop on the Atomic Energy Bill 2024, which brought together diverse participants to discuss and refine the legislative framework, exemplifies this commitment.

Uganda is making significant strides towards embracing nuclear energy, driven by strong leadership from the Atomic Energy Council and the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Development.

Despite criticisms, the government remains resolute in its pursuit of a diversified and sustainable energy future, confident in its ability to safely integrate nuclear power into the nation's energy portfolio.

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