Kalungu District in Political Turmoil: NUP Chairman Expels Party Members

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Kalungu District in Political Turmoil: NUP Chairman Expels Party Members
KALUNGU district chairperson Kamaad Nyombi Mukiibi after expelling his fellow NUP members on district executive.

Kalungu District in Uganda is embroiled in political controversy after Chairman Nyombi Mukiibi Kamaadi, an opposition National Unity Platform (NUP) member, expelled five NUP councillors from the district executive committee. These councillors were replaced with members of the ruling National Resistance Movement (NRM).

Accusations and Expulsions:

Chairman Kamaadi accused the expelled NUP members, including his deputy Ssalongo Gerald Kigundu, of immorality and embezzlement. He justified his decision by claiming his role as leader transcends party affiliation and that the constitution allows him to restructure his cabinet.

Surprise Appointments:

The expelled members were replaced with NRM members, including NRM's Kalungu Youth Representative Nakanwaji Sharifah taking over the Education Ministry previously held by NUP's Sseremba Kizitto Wavvamuno. Chairman Kamaadi himself assumed control of the Works and Technical Services Ministry.

Motives in Question:

The NUP members, led by Kigundu, deny the accusations and claim their dismissal is due to a money laundering scandal involving Chairman Kamaadi. They also allege constant political bullying.

NRM Sees Opportunity:

NRM members and supporters see these changes as an opportunity to implement their party's manifesto, which they claim was previously obstructed by NUP councillors.

Tensions Rise:

This is the second significant reshuffle within a month by Chairman Kamaadi. While the council successfully passed the budget prioritizing education and health, the political atmosphere remains tense.

Unresolved Questions:

The true reasons behind the expulsions remain unclear. The accusations against the NUP members require investigation. Chairman Kamaadi's motives and his authority to make such sweeping changes across party lines are also in question.

Looking Ahead:

Kalungu District faces a period of uncertainty. The impact on service delivery and the overall political climate remains to be seen.

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