Another ADF rebel killed, more abductees rescued as joint forces comb DR Congo

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The UPDF has in its operation together with DRC army , FARDC against Allied Democratic Forces(ADF) rebel group inside DR Congo has continued to bear fruits.

According to the Operation Shujaa spokesperson, Maj Bilal Katamba, the joint forces in the general areas of Mwalika Valley have rescued three women, three children and put out of action one ADF rebel

“The joint forces further recovered 204 rounds of PMK Machine gun, 41 rounds of Sub-Machine Gun and three empty magazines. Arrangements have already been made to evacuate the rescued,” Maj Katamba said.

He noted that the forces  under the command of Maj Chombe are still combing the Valley of Mwalika, North Kivu Province the Eastern DR Congo to weed out the ADF rebels.

The UPDF has been on the hot pursuit of the ADF rebels since December 2021 when artillery and air strikes were launched against the group’s bases in the thick eastern DRC forces.

The operation followed terror attacks in Kampala left over 10 dead and scores injured during twin blasts targeting the Central Police Station and Parliamentary Avenue.

Several ADF camps have also been destroyed during this period and several other areas liberated from the group’s control in DRC.

President Museveni last month said over 500 ADF fighters have been killed during this period.

Also a number of top ADF commanders are said to have been killed during the operation but the whereabouts of the top most commander, Musa Baluku are not known since the operation started two years ago.

Whereas initial reports at the start of the operation indicated he had been killed in one of the air and artillery strikes by the Ugandan army, no further evidence has been provided to prove this.

However, Baluku seems to have gone underground and no information regarding his activities in DRC has surfaced by officials from the Ugandan army say the hunt for him is still on.


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