Uganda marks the 44th Anniversary of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, castigates sanctions

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The government of Uganda has castigated sanctions against the Republic of Iran by the Western powers, urging that such sanctions in this day and age are from people with a lack of enlightenment.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs, Okello Oryem, made the statements during the event to make 44 years of the Islamic Revolution of Iran at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel.

“There's no place for such sanctions, especially in this age of enlightenment,” he said.

Oryem noted that Uganda and Iran enjoy cordial diplomatic relations with the Islamic Republic of Iran and Uganda has received many Iranian presidents.

“The president of Uganda has visited Iran for five years, had many MoUs and foreign exchange visits and our relations have further been bolstered by the establishment of the Iran Uganda hospital which offers first-class services to Ugandans,” Oryem said.

He prayed for increased trade relations in the fields of oil and gas, petrol and biochemical fields.

The new Iranian ambassador to Uganda Majid Saffar also graced the annual ceremony.

Among the guests were members of the diplomatic Corps, international organisations, Heads of academic institutions, and media among others.

Speaking at the event, Saffar welcomed invited guests to the glorious celebrations of the Islamic Revolution which was under the charismatic leadership of Imam Khomeini and continued by Imam Seyyed Ali Khamenei.

He expressed gratitude to the president of the Republic of Uganda and his cabinet for the continued cooperation at bilateral, regional and international levels.

The establishment of peace, stability and security in Uganda has created an enabling environment for trade which has boosted economic development and improvement of social welfare of the people.

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