Littering could earn you a jail sentence

There’s a possibility that you’re already eligible for a UGX 2,000,000 fine or 18 months in prison, but you don’t know. You ask why, because of littering. Yes, littering. You can be fined up to UGX 2,000,000 or imprisoned for up to 2 years for throwing rubbish or other material on public roads and drainage systems!

The Roads Act, 2019 and Physical Planning Amendment Act, no.2 of 2020, both criminalize roads and environment littering.

Thankfully, several environmental campaigns are sensitizing Ugandans about how to keep the environment clean, properly dispose of rubbish and why it is important. Taasa Obutonde seeks to promote environmental protection through targeted messages, documentaries and skits on television and online platforms to ensure greater awareness about the dangers of plastics to the environment.

You can reduce your usage and interactivity with plastic by practising the 3Rs of Reuse, Reduce and Recycle for the case of plastics, carrying a mini dustbin in your car, and having reusable items like water bottles, woven shopping bags and dishes to carry your food.

Proper litter handling will also help contribute to environmental conservation so that the generation that will come after us finds it conducive to healthy living. Let’s keep our roads safe and clean.

The Roads Act 2019 came into existence following its publication on 25th September 2019 in the gazette. One of the Act’s objectives is to create an environment section for the road sector. According to Section 63 of the Act, littering the road, like damaging milestones, culverts, bridges and dams, and any road furniture, is punishable by a 120-currency point. This is equivalent to UGX 2.4 million, with a currency point costing UGX 20,000, imprisonment not exceeding five years or both.

The Physical Planning Amendment Act no.2 of 2020 criminalizes littering across the territory. Persons found guilty are liable to a fine or jail term. Every person in Uganda is now under the obligation to refrain from littering or dropping rubbish outside the litter bins.

Encourage a friend to tell a friend so that we are in this together. #TaasaObutonde because the environment is our responsibility.

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