Are you a pineapple farmer and want to make big money? Read this


It's so sad that many pineapple farmers are going through what they're going through now. I have seen many empathise with them on social media.

I have also seen some kind hearted people online literally beg people to buy from their friends who grew pineapples with the hope of reaping big but now watch helplessly as they rot away in the garden.

Pineapples are one of the cheapest things on the street going for as slow as 500 shs. I totally feel these farmer's pain and loss. However on the contrary, this should be a lesson to them and also those watching what's going on.

I have always said, investment is a career. Business is a career, meaning it's something you develop and grow into over time to become good enough to be guaranteed to earn from it sustainably.

One thing I've noticed with our people is they call hustling investment/business. They call the paper chase investment or business. If you find your self putting money before the process then know your not investing or doing business your just looking for money.

With investment and business, the process comes before the money. The money is just a bi-product of the process.

The first question most will ask is what's making money now (I directly translated, ki ekikola/ekivaamu sente kati).

Once your approach is driven by making money then you are going end up doing so many things you have no idea of, haven't fully taken time to comprehend from start to finish or don't even understand at all.

For you to make money from anything you need to understand it.

Many of our people invest based on bandwagon effect and this is because every one is asking the same question, where is the money? This can only lead all of them in one direction.

If the direction is fish farming every one will end up there. If it's growing ginger, all of a sudden every one will be growing ginger.

If it's mobile money then mobile money it will be for every one same applies to cocoa, eggs or importing something from abroad.

The disadvantage of this is that it create surplus in production/availability and automatically when the forces of demand and supply kick in it can only be to every producer's/supplier's disadvantage.

So rather than find what's going to make you money, find something you can be good at over time. Time is a key factor of rewarding investment.

Perfect it and money will automatically come. For agriculture, make sure you control the most important factors of production before you invest heavily in it. The factors include weather, soil and storage/preservation.

If you don't then what you are up to is simply a game of chance.

Let's stop the habit of chasing trends or some pot of gold. Find something and grow into it, money will be the end result trust me.

Jaluum Herberts Luwizza is a Speaker,Writer and Business Columnist with the Nile Post.He is also a Business Consultant at YOUNG TREP East Africa's No.1 Business Management and Consultancy firm that helps people start and grow profitable businesses.


facebook: jaluum Herberts luwizza

+256 787555919

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