New Boda Union Will Be Used For Political Mobilisation - Brig Ssekiranda

President Museveni has famously rode on a boda boda for his 2001 presidential election nominations at Kololo Airstrip.
As political excitement builds, the newly formed boda boda union may have a purpose beyond what appears on the surface.
Speaking at the launch event, Brigadier-General Mwanje Ssekiranda, the UPDF Chief of Staff for the Reserve Force, revealed that the newly introduced boda boda union app, a national platform for riders, will play a key role during the political season.
“We are going to use them for political mobilisation,” Gen Ssekiranda said, indicating that the Union of Boda Boda Riders will be strategically involved in the upcoming political activities.
“For now, we are not yet sure how best to utilize them, but that is the plan,” he added.
Ssekiranda emphasized the national importance of the app, highlighting its potential as a tool for intelligence gathering.
“We will use them to collect information,” he said.
Today's launch of the boda boda union app comes at a time when political parties, including the the country is gearing up for the 2026 general elections.
Over the years, the political parties have been known to use the boda boda block for mobilisation, driving the crowd into a frenzy ahead of rallies.
President Museveni has famously rode on a boda boda for his 2001 presidential election nominations at Kololo Airstrip. He would again ride a boda in 2004 in Fort Portal during a Tooro King Oyo Nyimba's 12 birthday celebrations.
Like the NRM, every other political party and individual politician uses boda boda for political mobilisation.
The boda boda industry employs an estimated 300,000 people in Kampala alone.
With the union set to bring together riders from all corners of the country, the political landscape is likely to see significant engagement from this influential group.