You're my gift from God - First Lady to Museveni

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You're my gift from God - First Lady to Museveni
Mrs Janet Kataha Museveni

The Managing Director of Museveni Incorporated says she has been floored by President Museveni's birthday message of June 24 when she clocked 76

NATIONAL | First Lady Janet Kataaha Museveni has penned a deep appreciation message to her husband and Head of State, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni.

Mrs Museveni, in the letter shared on social media today (Friday), describes the President as a "gift from God", the father of her children, and expresses her gratitude for his thoughtful, kind messages and the celebrations, together with other Ugandans in her honour of 76th birthday on June 24.

In an X post published at 1:11pm, the First Lady merely captioned it as "76" but attached both her current picture and the letter in which she extended her immense gratitude to the Head of State for the love he has poured upon her, their children, and the people of Uganda and praises his leadership.

"To my gift from God, the wonderful husband and father of my children, the President of Uganda," she said.

"Mzee, thank you for leading all the children and all the loving people of this great land who choose to call me Maama, for blessing me so much, and for writing through social media or calling my office to leave amazingly beautiful, kind, and loving messages that have truly, truly blessed me."

Mrs Museveni confesses that the birthday messages she received have deeply touched her heart, moving her to tears, laughter, prayer, and gratitude towards God.

Also read: Museveni sends sweet birthday message to wife, Janet

She expressed how each passing day is filled with favor and kindness, thanks to her loving family and the Ugandan community at large.

The First Lady, who continued the affection from the country's first family in public as her husband had placed it, said said his messages had touched herheart.

"I have cried, I have laughed, I have prayed, and I have thanked God until I have no other way to praise the good God who has done this, and only He is able to do what I have seen since the 24th of June," Mrs Museveni said.

She adds that the deep kindness Ugandans hold inspires them to extend kindness to each other.

Mr Museveni on June 24 went poetic as he extolled praises on the First Lady, calling her the "Managing Director of Museveni Incorporated”.


The President said Janet was the Matriarch of the Museveni Group, the mother, the grandmother, "my God-given comrade-in-arms of nearly 51 years".

The President applauded the First Lady for playing a key role in the upbringing of their family, especially between 1981 and 1986 when she was sent to exile with their young children: Muhoozi, Natasha, Patience, and Diana.

Muhoozi, now Chief of Defence Forces, was six years old, and Diana was six months old.

The couple married in August 1973.

The "Matriarch of the Museveni Group" said every day has shown her incredible favour and kindness from her own biological family as well as her Ugandan extended family.

"All the children and grandchildren of Uganda are blessed with so many kind, honestly loving people who care to go out and show kindness to others," she said.

"I am unable to thank you the way I'd really want to because words are simply not enough."

Mrs Museveni asked her husband to accept that she ahs been humbled and said she can thank God and pray that He "pours out His blessings to all of you multiplied many times over".

"I am sincerely your mother, whom you kindly call Maama Janet."

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