Articles on World Cup

Music University leaders asked to emulate Museveni's patience
Kenneth Kazibwe . 2024-06-28 08:03:22
University leaders asked to emulate Museveni's patience

Music Karamoja MPs endorse Museveni as NRM sole candidate for 2026

Music Maj Gen Olum hands over Mountain Division command to Maj Gen Otto

Music NRM plots to win back Buganda support ahead of 2026 polls
Samalie Kisakye . 2024-05-18 08:06:54
NRM plots to win back Buganda support ahead of 2026 polls

Music Todwong welcomes Kitagwenda FDC leader to NRM
Muhamadi Matovu . 2024-04-16 19:52:13
Todwong welcomes Kitagwenda FDC leader to NRM

Music Deputy CJ urges public to revisit traditional dispute resolution to tackle case backlog
Gerald Matembu . 2024-02-26 17:43:29
Deputy CJ urges public to revisit traditional dispute resolution to tackle case backlog
Deputy CJ urges public to revisit traditional dispute resolution to tackle case backlog

Justice Buteera contends that solely augmenting judicial personnel and expanding prison infrastructure will not suffice to alleviate the mounting case backlog

Kenneth Kazibwe . 2024-02-25 18:06:54
Museveni to launch update of NRM register